Gagra Institute at Global Media Forum 2018

Gagra Institute selected among the world applications as one of top five candidates project. Beka Kiria Founder and Director of Gagra Institute nominated for the fellowship program of the German Foreign Office to attend the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, taking place in Bonn, Germany, on June 11-13, 2018.

Gagra Institute – the first fully cloud operated think-tank and almost after two months of launch nominated for the startup competition at Global Media Forum 2018 Media Innovation Lab. Click to Tweet

Gagra Institute selected among the world applications as one of top five candidates project. Beka Kiria Founder and Director of Gagra Institute nominated for the fellowship program of the German Foreign Office to attend the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, taking place in Bonn, Germany, on June 11-13, 2018.

The Global Media Forum is Deutsche Welle’s global platform where international partners can connect and strengthen relations with representatives from the fields of journalism, digital media, politics, culture, business, development, academia and civil society. The focus theme of this year’s edition is “Global Inequalities”.

Vor Ort NRW and Media Lab Bayern help promising entrepreneurs developing new tools and business models in their media incubator programs. At the Global Media Forum 2018, we invite startups from any country to take the chance and enter our stage at Rocking Journalism: Startups and Talents in Media Innovation. In this session at the Media Innovation Lab Day, digital startups showcase their talent and technology in media and journalism.

Deutsche Welle’s Global Media Forum is the only international media conference that brings together decision-makers and influencers from the worlds of journalism, digital media, politics, business, civil society and academia. The 2018 GMF offers a unique interdisciplinary approach to tackling one of the defining challenges of our time: global inequalities. There are inequalities everywhere – some highly visible, others obscure and insidious. From institutionalized racism to income inequality, the digital divide and power imbalances – inequalities are deeply rooted and complex. Are the media up to the task of understanding the dimensions and effects of inequalities? How can technology be both a galvanizer and an equalizer? What is the potential of technology in providing equal access to knowledge and power?


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